Chiropractic care is a conservative, complementary, alternative medicine focused on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of various neuromusculoskeletal disorders.
Our office's clinicians apply a movement-based physical rehabilitation model focused on delivering holistic, evidence-based, patient-centered care. We specialize in integrating functional medicine, chiropractic care, massage therapy, regenerative medicine, and movement-based rehabilitation to help our patients address the root cause of their symptoms and perform better through meaningful, lasting change.
We work with individuals of all ages who are suffering from a vast array of neuromusculoskeletal conditions, many of which, but not all, are acquired through accidents, athletic injuries, motor vehicle collisions, and as a result of chronic health conditions.
Our doctors utilize various techniques, including spinal and extremity manipulation and mobilization, therapeutic exercise, soft tissue manipulation, and regenerative medicine, to help alleviate pain, restore joint function, re-establish neuromuscular symmetry and coordination, and improve overall health and well-being.
At Columbus Pain & Performance, we pride ourselves on providing
individualized care that helps you feel better faster and return to doing the things you love. If this is what you're looking for, and you find yourself in the Columbus, OH, area, we would love to meet you.
What you can expect during your first visit.
Your first appointment is an opportunity for your doctor to get to know you and the details that bring you to see them before performing the necessary
physical examination and ancillary testing required to
diagnose and treat you properly.
Your journey begins with your history. During this time, your doctor will sit down and listen to your story, creating a clinical picture of your unique needs. Afterward, they will perform a physical examination and complete various tests to determine your candidacy for care.​ If your doctor believes they can help, they will conclude your appointment with the most appropriate form of care.
Following your first appointment, you will be helped to schedule a Report of Findings. During this follow-up appointment, your doctor will review your history and clinical findings, your initial response to treatment, the most beneficial form of care for your needs, and how long it will take to reasonably recover.
Types of Care
Healthcare | Lifestyle
Proactive & Preventative Care​
A holistic approach to well-being focuses on the interplay between your many physiological systems and their interconnectedness with your overall health. Taking a proactive stance is by far the most effective method to prevent or mitigate future health issues. Maintaining optimal communication between your sensory systems and motor pathways reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and the frustration and stress that often accompany their recovery.
Injury Recovery
Unfortunately, injuries are a part of life, but that doesn't mean they should live with you. Too often, the recovery methods applied, whether with help or on your own, are inadequate to address the complex physiology that is both recovering and still trying to live each day as naturally as possible. No two injuries are identical, meaning the type of care each patient receives needs to be tailored to match the unique clinical details and timeline surrounding the patient and the events that have led to where they are now. That's why our doctors and staff utilize a broad spectrum of movement analysis, muscle grading, and orthopedic testing to determine the appropriate types of treatment to be applied at the right place and time. ​
Personal Improvement
Not all our patients are in pain. Some are just trying to be healthier, perform better, and optimize their lives. For these individuals, focus, concentration, and clarity are all enhanced, while bouts of chronic fatigue and brain fog dwindle when the communication between their nervous system's peripheral, central, and autonomic divisions and the various lobes of their brain are tuned to respond faster and more accurately. Avid hobbyists, weekend warriors, and elite athletes all benefit by addressing the neurophysiological, biopsychosocial, and musculoskeletal compensations draining their energy and mental reserves and robbing them of the rest and recovery they need to perform their best. Others are embarking on one of the most exciting times of their lives as expectant mothers prepare for childbirth, and soon after, new lives begin taking their first steps in their own journeys. ​​​
Whatever the reason and whatever your journey, we hope to see you arrive at your destination—and maybe even in our office along the way.